lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

When I read the question “how is the greatest Chilean of all time?” on teacher’s blog, I really don’t imagine a guy that I consider  the best guy of this country. If question was  “how is the worst Chilean…?”, many people appears on my mind (and the answers had been  more easy), but that is not the case.
 For this answer I didn’t choose a historical character or an emblematic political, I choose  two important audiovisual creative   of this time. They are Pedro Peirano and Alvaro Díaz.
They are the masterminds behind great tv programs, like “Plan Z” or “31 Minutos”, two of the most memorable of Chilean television. They began studying journalism at Universidad de Chile and one of their first programs was their university thesis. This is called “El Factor Humano”, a program of mini documentaries in a first person cam. This meant a new audiovisual language for Chilean TV and today is considered a cult program.
One of the special characteristic of their work is the mix of interesting issues and humor. For example, in “31 Minutos” (a puppet show) had a section calls “La Ruta verde” where a Bunny called “Juan Carlos Bodoque” taught the children to protect environment, with gags and unusual situations.
They are an inspiration for me because I want to specialize on audiovisual production, and make good programs like those.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

The results of my practice test are very regular. The first exercises were very simple. The two first items were about reading little paragraphs to answer the questions. Often short extension, the paragraph had to read with careful because the answers had some word for confuse. The third reading item was a text more extensive, but the difficulty not changed much. In this activities I had all the answers correct.
On the next two items, difficult increases a little because these were a listening exercise. In the first exercise, I had all answers correct, but on second item I had only half correct.
The follow item was very simple. This was to complete a sentence with a correct word. In this I have seventeen of twenty five correct answers.
But the last two excercises were very difficult for me. One of my weaknesses on english class is when I writing texts, and that  exercise was that. I had two correct answers on the first exercise, and on  last exercise I tried much  to answered correctly, but still more attempts, I got a few of correct answer.
I think that I do practice more on write exercises because this is my principal weakness. I understand the English language very good when I listen or read . But when I write or speak on the language, I get nervous and I ever forgot the words.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

a freak present

had a lot of presents in my high school graduation that was a very special moment for me and my family. But one of these presents was very freak, and still today I try to sell it.
To contextualize, I studied industrial mechanics at a technical high school, and on the last year I had to go two days at the week to school, and three days to an enterprise for the practice. On the graduation ceremony, the high school gave presents for the students with the best marks, and too for the students well regarded  at the practice’s enterprises. 
I knew that I wasn’t the best student on my class because I ever was the "second best student" on the four years of high school. I didn’t have any hopes to take a present, but I was very surprised when the presenter says my name: “And the prize for the best student on the practice of this class is… Iván Cea”.
Whaaaat?? I didn’t understand this. I really hated the career, the enterprise, and this high school, but all considered me the best student. I stood up to take the present, and I received a little box. I was very curious to know what was, and when I opened this I saw… what?? A SCIENTIST CALCULATOR!!
Well… my classmate that wins the “best student's  prize, obtained a hand drill.
Today I'm studying journalism at university and I never used the calculator, I tried to sell  it in every e-commerce website like “”, but I don’t have any results. 
I think that this "present" is a reminder that I shouldn’t do or study something that I really don’t like.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

first day at U

I remember much my first day at University. That day I felt very nervous because I had a sabbatical year, and I hadn’t classes a year ago. I felt that lost the study habits, and I thought that it would have detrimental effects. 
That day I woke up very early, an unusual feature of me, because I always arrive late to every place. When I arrive to U, I saw a lot of people very confused. They were my classmates and were waiting the teacher coming. 
I already knew a group of my classmates, because we had a meeting to know each other a week before the class begin. 
My first class was with María Olivia Monckeberg, a famous Chilean journalist with a lot of published research.  This class called “ethic and journalism treatments”, and I thought that was a very interesting class, but on this case teacher only read the class program, and she talked us all the class about her and her books.
After this I and my classmates go to the auditorium for the official welcome of the university authorities. When that act finished a photographer took the official picture of the first grade of journalism career. 
Next my classmate were gathered on the “pastos” a typical place at Juan Gomez Millas campus for the social life and parties, for converse and knows each other better. I could not stay along because on that moment I had a girlfriend and I was get together with her… but this an another history.